How will you make a difference?
Today, we celebrate Make a Difference Day. This was created in 1992 by USA WEEKEND magazine, it's not an official Holiday but this day has been celebrated and has brought joy throughout the country.
Greta Thunberg once said, "You're never too small to make a difference." Anybody, no matter your age or background, can help others, give back to the communities, and change the world.
Making a difference doesn’t always have to be about volunteering and community service. It can also be about random acts of kindness and empathy. Here are some simple ways for you to start.
Give Thanks - Show appreciation to people who have helped you, friends, employees or family. Leave a note on their tables, a simple thank you means a lot.
Do an act of kindness - Even the smallest thing can make a person feel so much better. Small gestures matter and can make all the difference. Listen to that friend who's been sharing how she's been having a hard time lately.
Buy with Purpose - Take a look at those stores that sell stuff for a cause. A small amount may help someone who's struggling right now.
Give Some Love to Animals in Need - If you see homeless cats or dogs, shower them temporary love and comfort until they find their forever home by fostering.
Volunteer in your community - There are people in your community who could use your help. Coordinate with your HOA and plan something for a cause. Whether it's getting involved at a local Meals on Wheels or Donating to a Charity, there are so many ways you can help those in need and it doesn't have to just be a one-time thing.
Make a difference today and everyday!
Tolley Community Management provides homeowner association management services to Metro Atlanta HOA, COA, TOA and POA Communities.